First EU Taxonomy Delegated Act released

With the adoption of Delegated Acts (a legally binding act that enforces laws adopted by the European Union)for climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, European Commission introduced the first set of technical screening criteria used in the EU Taxonomy.
These technical screening criteria, which are based on scientific advice from the Technical Expert Group, consist of thresholds or performance levels an economic activity should achieve to qualify as substantially contributing to one of those climate objectives.
They are set out in two Annexes to the Delegated Act, for Climate change mitigation in Annex 1 and for Climate change adaptation in Annex 2. Besides technical screening criteria both Annexes classify economic activities. Each activity is classified as low carbon or transitional.
The overall goal is to provide a common language everyone can use when investing in projects that can positively impact the climate and environment.
Economic activities in this Delegated act cover around 40% of the EU based listed undertakings, which business operations are responsible for almost 80% greenhouse gas emissions in Europe.
The technical screening criteria for other four environmental objectives (sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, waste prevention and control, protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems) will be published by the end of 2021.
The implementation deadline for companies reports and investors disclosures are due at the start of 2022, for the period of 2021.
The Delegated Act currently has 88 economic activities, but considering development and technological progress, more activities and sectors can be added.